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Pastor Brock became the Pastor January 1, 2017.  


He grew up as one of those churchy kids, going to church camps in the summer and serving as captain of the Bible quiz team.  He knew that God wanted him to be a pastor in the eighth grade. While he understood church, he didn’t really grasp the actual power of the Gospel until much later in life.


Like a lot of people, he thought of following Christ in terms of what he had to do to please God, and what he had to not do to keep God from being angry.  The true power of the Gospel didn’t revolutionize his life until after he was married and serving as a pastor of a church.


“The weight I felt in that moment wasn’t the weight of being a husband, or a father, or a pastor even.  It was the weight of knowing that I would never be able to be good enough if I kept trying to do life my way.  Our marriage was in a rough place. I knew that if I didn’t discover God’s way that my life and marriage would be marked by failure.  That’s when the power of the Gospel really became clear to me. That all I had to do was allow God to do the work in me that He wanted to do anyway, and that His work would be what gave me the desire and the ability to serve Him and others (Philippians 2:13).  That submission to the work of God changed my life and saved my marriage.”


Now Pastor Brock’s personal mission statement is “To serve Christ and His Kingdom well by serving others, beginning with my family” and one of the ways that he tries to live this out is by faithfully pointing others to the power of the Gospel.


He is joined in this mission by his wife Amanda.  Amanda didn’t really grow up in church. Her childhood, adolescent, and college experiences were all very different from Pastor Brock’s.  She was the fun-loving homecoming queen, who thought she had her life all figured out. The small-town pastor’s wife, homeschooling mother of four is quite different from the plans she made when younger to be a single high-powered attorney in a big city with no kids.  But Amanda freely admits, “Living life God’s way is always better than whatever you could plan on your own.”


Brock and Amanda are both down-to-earth people who love other people.  They would never claim to be perfect, nor would they claim to have all of the answers to all of life’s questions.  But they are passionately committed to growing in their relationship with God and their understanding of the Gospel and they invite you to join them in that pursuit.

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32145 E County Road 1570

Pauls Valley, Oklahoma

​(405) 238-3664

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